Specializing in Flower Essences, nutritional supplements, Kinesiology-muscle testing, and retreats.

New Dawn Wellness

Specializing in Flower Essences, nutritional supplements, Kinesiology-muscle testing, and retreats.

New Dawn Wellness was established thirty years ago out of a desire to share with others what had truly transformed my life. I decided to dedicate my life to helping others and find the keys to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

A passion began to grow to help others who were struggling with the wounds of the past and the resulting emotional damage.  No one needed to carry these burdens their entire lives and the subsequent emotional and physical ramifications.  We then could live our lives not as “broken” individuals, but as whole human beings who find their purpose and direction in life.

Flower Essence Therapy

Flower Essence Therapy catalyzes growth in our consciousness and helps us change mental and emotional patterns that no longer contribute to our highest good.  The result is a freedom and peace unattained by conventional therapies.

They are simple, safe, and gentle and can be used by people of all ages.  This therapy can be used on plants, animals, and people and does not interfere with your current health care program.   Flower Essences shatter trauma like a ball hitting a pane of glass.  This relieves trauma at the cellular level dissolving the tears or scars inflicted by the events.  

About Rebecca Dawn